Art Fictions illustration by Joanna Quinn of Beryl Productions
Art Fictions celebrates stories of art and the art of stories. Beginning in text form, then as a podcast in 2020, it is a way of talking about art in parallel to the work. In this sense, it draws on peripheral vision and how we ingest so much beyond our direct line of sight. This might also be thought of as “site”, questioning where the work is situated, which is of course, normally beyond the edges of itself.
Art Fictions is an abridged, self-produced series, and for each episode, the guest artist discusses their work, through the lens of a piece of fiction of their choosing. Together with one of the hosts – Jillian Knipe – Elizabeth Fullerton – Pelumi Odubanjo – Vanessa Murrell – the artist explores the book’s themes, context and characters, which opens up and steers a rich conversation about their work. The podcast bounces back and forth between artworks and text, often meandering around other inspiring books and artists, all the while focussing on the ideas which govern both. It aims to get close and personal with the origins of artistic ideas.
See @artfictionspodcast on instagram for images of works and links, and check out the podcast notes for the references mentioned throughout the conversation.